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Dear visitor,

Welcome on our website.
To keep you informed we present on this site a grip out of our collection jewels, watches and services. All showed articles are handmade designs, made in our own workshop and protected against imitation through our world-wide deposited master stamp. All articles are manufactured with greatest care in 18 carat gold and mounted with the highest quality precious stones (diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby and others).
You have also the possibility to propose a personalized design to be executed.

We will update this site frequently and announce actions. We hope that we may welcome you frequently. For more details over our services, store and activities we refer gladly to the columns Info en Workshop.

We wish you a lot of surfing pleasure.
Eric Bijnens

Stationslaan 43 3700 Tongeren België
+32(0)12/23.18.83 -

BE 0710 644 566


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